Les Cornichons

Summer means many simple things that I enjoy: slipping off sandals and dangling my feet in the river, peach juice dripping off of my chin, sundresses, and pickling cucumbers.
It never occurred to me to pickle cukes until after my husband and I married, though. Once the monsieur introduced crispy cornichons (he'd stuff in his suitcase from visiting his parents in Paris) to all the kids, they never glanced back to soft dills. A fight regularly ensued for the last pickle, and the boys frequently tricked him, leaving an empty jar in the fridge.
Now that we're living in France, I pick up antique earthenware crocks from flea markets from time to time for canning. After traveling there to explore his ancestry, my daughter's boyfriend introduced me to the Alsace vinegar brand Melfor. The label reads: "Plus doux que le vinaigre!/Sweeter than vinegar!" The vinegar is aromatic with flavors of honey and infused plants and downright delicious for vinaigrettes, salads, and crudités.
Putting up cucumbers is easy and enjoyable. I do hope you give it a go.